Vocabulary List

Headway Plus Intermediate

(Level 4):

Focus Vocabulary

Mid-term (units 1–6)

Unit 1


achievement n

advertisement n

afford (I can’t ~) v

ages n

amazing adj

ambassador n

amount n

ancient adj

apologize (to sb for sth/sb) v

architectural adj

assassinate v

benefit (from) v

break (from work) n

breakfast n

bright adj

brochure n

builder n

butterfly n

celebrity n

century n

come round v

commercialized adj

communicate v

computer n

corn n

destination n

destroy v

dishwasher n

email n, v

estimate v

famine n

freezing adj

full-time (job) adj

flying v

galaxy n

get stuck v

giant adj,

go mad v

goodwill adj

gorgeous adj

greed n

hang on (= wait) inf v

health care n

hectic adj

huge adj

humble adj

inconvenience n

increase v

instrument n

interactivity n

Internet n

Invented v

knowledge n

language n

leap, leapt/leaped n, v

lift (= ride in a car) n

mankind n

mess n

mobile phone n

musical instrument n

noticeable adj

nuclear weapon n

observatory n

Olympic Games n

online adj

order n, v

packing and postage n

payment n

perform v

pet n

pick up v

popcorn n

process v

race (of people) n

ray (the sun’s rays) n

record v

revolutionize v

rise v

save (a life) v

skid v

solar system n

space probe n

sparkling adj

stage n

stand, stood, stood

(I can’t stand) v

stand for (sth) v

statement n

step n

stuff (= things in general) inf n

surely adv

take part (in) v

take place v

text message n

text v

traffic n

try on v

the UN n

user n

vegetarian n

watch v

web page n

website n

wing n

wonder n

Unit 2


absolutely adv

actor n

aerobics n

allow v

architect n

arrangement n

artist n

bargain n

basketball n

busy adj

charity n

cheer (sb) up v

cheerful adj

cheque n

clown (clown doctor) n

coach v

convenience n

decimal n, adj

decorate (with) v

deep adj

definitely adv

distract (from) v

dry ski slope n

energetic adj

event n

exhausted adj

feed, fed, fed v

film director n

fishing v

football pitch n

funny adj

furniture n

goggles pl n

golf n

graduate n

guess v

health n

hobbies n

hospital n

injection n

interior designer n

jogger n

jogging v

journalist n

kid n

laugh v

laughter n

lawyer n

leisure n

lighting n

lobby n

loose-fitting adj

lunchtime n

magic trick n

marriage counsellor n

master’s degree n

medicine n

mind n

mountain biking n

musician n

nonsense n

operation n

otherwise adv

pack v

paperboy n

participate (in) v

percentage n

privileged n

race about v

raise (money) v

rarely adv

reduced adj

relax v

research scientist n

resort (ski resort) n

response n

rubber adj

sale n

satisfaction n

scientist n

sensitive adj

sick adj

silly adj

sleep n, v

slightly adv

snowboarding n

suburb n

supportive (family) adj

tip (= advice) n

tiring adj

totally adv

treat v


(~ rate) n

unwind, unwound, unwound v

useless adj

volleyball n

ward n

waterproof adj

web page designer n

wedding anniversary n

weekend n

worry n

yell v

yoga n

zookeeper n



Unit 3

accidentally adv

act (of a play) n

amazement n

amazing adj

apologized v

art n

art gallery n

author n

award n, v

awful adj

battle n

beat, beat, beaten v

bet, bet, bet v

biography n

birth n

boast v

breathe v

brush n

chapter n

character n

chat v

childhood n

depression n  

diamond n

dig v

disgusting adj

draw (a picture) v

emperor n

encourage v

exhibition n

eyesight n

fairy tale n

famous adj

fascinated adj

fearless adj

feature n

fight, fought, fought (sb) v

folk n

genius n

hang out (= relax) informal v

heart failure n

homesick adj

honour n, v

hunting n

impressed adj

influenza n

lifelike adj

literature n

masterpiece n

match (in sport) n

meeting n

mile n

modern adj

moral n

nationality n

native adj

nature n

necklace n

neighbourhood n

novel n

novelist n

old-fashioned adj

only (only child) adj

outdoor adj (~ life)

packed v

painter n

palace n

palette n

pigeon n

play n

pleased (with

himself) adj

point v

portrait n

powerful adj

recognize v

refuse v

relaxed v

religious adj

report (in writing) n

sand n

scary adj

score v

scream v

sculpture n

shotgun n

sign v (sth)

sink, sank, sunk v

(~ teeth into)

sketch n, v

skip v

soldier n

spill, spilled/spilt v

spoiled (~ child) adj

star v

strict adj

success n

suffer v

sweetcorn n

tale n

teepee n

terrified adj

thoroughly adv

treasure n

triangle n

unless conj

upset adj

vine n

vineyard n

visited v

war correspondent n

war n

warrior n

wave n

wound v

Unit 4


banquet n

behave v

bill n

bow (greeting) n, v

break v

briefcase n

budget n

business card n

casually adv (dress ~)

chew (gum) v

choice n

chopstick n

cleanliness n

code n

colleague n

complain v (about)

cool (= OK)

informal adj

dish n (~ of food)

driving licence n

drop off v (at)

engaged adj

extension (phone) n

fasten v (~ seatbelts)

fed up with v

(be ~ sth/sb)

gathering n

gift n

global adj (~ village)

guest n

guidebook n

handshake n

heel n

host n

hostess n

interrupt v

invite v

kilt n


(= behaviour) pl n

married v

military service n

(do ~)

minus n, adj

modest adj

name tag n

noodle n

parent n

phone v

plus n  

pocket money n

pursue v (~ hobbies)

rainy season n

raw adj

responsibility n

reverse n

rule n

rush v

seatbelt n

sign of respect n

skateboarding n

skewer n

socialize v

spray n, v (~ with)

status n

stranger n

stuffy (a ~ room) adj

suncream n

supply v

tip (= suggestion) n

travellers’ cheque n

trouble n (be in ~)

vaccination n (have ~)

valuable adj

vote v

welcome n, v

work v

yawn v

Unit 5


acting n

blow v

chilly adj

clear adj

climate n

cloud n

cloudy adj

confess v

contrast v

crossing n

deer n

degree (temperature) n

depart (from) v

descent n

difference n

dramatically adv

eastbound adj

enquiry n

en-suite n

exciting adj

experience n

face (sth) v

ferry n

fog n

foggy adj

forecast n

haircut n

heavy (~ rain) adj

helipad n

horizontal adj

hurry n, v

ice n

icy adj

igloo n

item n (one ~ of hand luggage)

land (~ a plane) v

library n

lightning n

loaf n (a ~ of bread)

lowland adj

luggage n

melt v

millionaire n

must-dos pl n

non-smoking adj

nose around v

paint n, v (a tin of ~)

pile n

pleasant adj

potter v

practise v

qualification n

rain n

rainy adj

rare adj

reach v

reception n

(wedding ~)

recommend v

remote adj

removal man n

rhino n

rough adj

(a ~ crossing)

shampoo n

shaped adj

(~ like a sail)

shine v

sleeping bag n

smooth adj

(a ~ descent)

snow n, v

snowy adj

spectacular adj

spice n

spoil, spoiled/spoilt v

spring n

stamp n

steak n

storm n

stormy adj

struggle v (~ to reach)

temperature n

thunderstorm n

tip (money) n

top n (at the ~)

towel n

travel agency n

tube n

vast n

view n (views over banks)

weather n

wind n

windy adj

winter n

yoghurt n

Unit 6


anchovy n

appearance n

bacon n

basil n

cause v

consumer n

cosmopolitan adj

cross adj

cynical adj

delicious adj

deliver v

disease n

disgusting adj

dry clean v

evolve v

external adj (~ use)

fantastic adj

fast food n

fatal adj

fight n

finally adv

focal point n

(the ~ of the room)

forever adv

fresh adj

frozen adj

garlic n

generally adv

global adj

gradually adv

grateful adj

gravitate (to) v

grumble (about) v

handsome adj

herring n

home-grown adj

junk food n

karaoke n

kettle n

lane (road) n

locked adj

look forward to v

mend v

migrate v

miss (sb) v

mix n, v

notice board n

oil n

orchestra n

outside prep

(~ of work)

pea n

pineapple n

popularity n

producer n

promise v

promotion n

rave v (about)

rectangular adj

reputation n

rude adj

safe adj

salmon n

seldom adv

shrimp n

simple adj

skyscraper n

slice n (a ~ of pizza)

squid n

starving adj

stereotype n

stove n

succeed v

tasteless adj

tasty adj

Thai adj

topping n

truly adv

tuna n

ultimate adj

universal adj

upright adj

varied adj

vegetable n

wealthy adj

Headway Plus Intermediate

(Level 4):

Focus Vocabulary

End-term (units 7–12)



Unit 7


advice n

advise v

amazingly adv

ankle n

announce v

application n

back off (= retreat) v

box office n

broke (= have no money) informal adj

career n

carry on v

championship n

chase v

circus n

come across (= find) v

come up with v

cover v

cowboy n

crane n

cut off (from) v

cut off (telephone) v

CV (= curriculum vitae) n

damage n

delighted adj

descendant n

disappointed adj

documentary n

elect v

end up v

excitement n

fascinating adj

flood n

fluent adj

fluently adv

flyer (= publicity leaflet) n

force (sb to do sth) v

forecaster n

genuine adj

get on (well) with (sb/sth) v

girder n

give up (= stop) v

glasses n

guy (= man) informal n

hand down (give to a younger relative) v

hand out

(= distribute) v

headline n

heavyweight adj

(~ fight)

height n

hit, hit, hit v

hold, held, held v

homeless adj

hunter n

hurricane n

indoors adv

interpersonal adj

interview n, v

ironworker n

journalism n

knock out (make unconscious) v

lay off, laid, laid

(= make redundant) v

leader n

leave a message v

look (sth) up v

manage v

mayor n

meteorologist n

nasty adj

Nobel Prize n

novelist n

of course adv

organize v

outdoors adv

particularly adv

photocopier n

pride n

put (sb) through (on the phone) v

put up with (sth)

(= tolerate) v

publish v

recapture v

resign v

resignation n

retire v

retirement n (~ age)

round (of a boxing fight) n

sacrifice n

seek, sought, sought v

shoulder n

skeleton n

skill n

slowdown n

take a message v

take (sth) away

 (= remove) v

take up v

training n

trapeze n

turn on v

twist v

vacancy n

washing-up n

widespread adj



Unit 8


actually adv

address n, v

afford (I can’t afford) v

alone adj

amazed adj

amnesty n

angry adj

appeal n

appreciate v

astonished adj

awake adj

(it keeps you ~)

beg v

belief n

blanket n

book (a holiday) v

boss n

burglar n

calm adj

camp n

cancer n

carpet n

chimney n

circumstance n

conservation n

crisis n

crowd n

curtain n

dedicate v

demand n

desperate adj  

die v

dirty adj

disastrous adj

dream v

drive, drove, driven

v, n

drop dead v

(~ of heart attack)

earn v

economic adj

embassy n

emergency supplies

pl n

endangered species n

enormous adj

establish v

ethnic adj (~ origin)

fee n

fit together (a jigsaw) v

filthy adj

floor n

fluid n (plenty of fluids)

fortunately adv

frightened adj

funny adj

furious adj

get rid of (= discard) v

ghost n

grow, grew, grown v

growl v

guard n

heart attack n

heat n

heavily adv

hilarious adj

horrible adj

hospice n

hound (= pursue) v

housing n

human rights pl n (practise ~)

hungry adj

incredibly adv

incurable adj

invest v

island n

jigsaw n

just adv

knock n, v

land n

last v

leave (sth) behind

(= forget) v

loudly adv

mansion n

medical supplies pl n

menacingly adv

miserable adj

misery n

nearly adv

organization n

pay-rise n

penniless adj

photography n

pick up (~ children) v

post office n

post v

pour v (from… into …)

pretty adj

prisoner of conscience n

prize n

psychiatrist n

purpose n

(~ to one’s day)

put pressure on (sb) v

ragged adj

receptionist n

relative n

release v (from)

rescue n

research n

routine n (routines)

run (my nose is running) v

run out of (sth) v

sanity n

shelter n (a rescue ~)

smash v

solicitor n

space shuttle n

spending spree n

(go on ~)

spree n

stand, stood, stood v

starve v

suddenly adv

superb adj

surprised adj

survive v

tasty adj

tempt v

terrified adj

the press n

thrilled adj

tired adj

turn out v

violently adv

visa n

waste v (~ money)

wide adj

windfall n

wildlife reserve n

wild-looking adj

winner n

Unit 9


advantage n

ambitious adj

annoyed (with) adj

autograph n

background n (in the ~)

care (for/about) v

cheat v

cheerful adj

clearly adv

complexion n (a fair ~)

concentrate v

conscious adj

contented adj

cruel adj  

crutches pl n (be on

curly adj

date n

daydream n, v

deal with (sth/sb) v

definite adj

depend on (sb) v

depressed adj

disadvantage n

drawer n

drop v

easygoing adj

envy v

expert n, adj

finance n (family finances)

forget, forgot,

forgotten v

generation n

hand-me-down adj

hard-working adj

hate v /

housework n

husband n

impatient adj

in front of prep

kind adj

lorry driver n

memory n

mood n

moody adj

notice v

nurse n

obsessed with/by adj

oversleep v

plaster n

point of view n

put off (doing sth)

(= postpone) v

rather adv

reality n

reliable adj

relieved adj

resentment n

reserved adj

reunion n

sense of humour n

share n, v (~ interests

sociable adj

take care of (sb) v

talkative adj

tolerant (of sb) adj

twin n (a ~ brother)

unsure adj

untidy adj

ups and downs pl n

vet n

veterinary assistant n

Unit 10


air conditioning n

airport n

audition n, v (~ for parts)

autobiographical adj

award n

ban v

birthday card n

blond adj

button n

cast, cast, cast v

casting director n

ceiling n

cello n

chemistry n

classical music n

clear v

collector n

compose v

concert n

concerto n

conductor n

constantly adv

documentary n

dust v

dynamite n

engineer n

estate agent n

explosion n

explosives pl n

fake adj

figure n

fire engine n

fireplace n

fireworks pl n

found v

hairbrush n

hairdresser n

headache n

hippie adj

history n /

hurt, hurt, hurt v

immaculate adj

lecture n, v

legendary adj

make up (~ stories) v

memorabilia n

metallic adj

movies n

optimism n

orchestra n

originally adv

out-of-work adj

perform v

ponytail n

press v (~ a button)

profile n

promote v

react v

reckon (I ~) informal v

redecorate v

revise (for an exam) v

role n

rugged adj

scholarship n (won a ~)

shopping centre n

shopping list n

shopping spree n

soundtrack n

state of the art adj

sunglasses pl n

sunset n

tale n

teacup n

teapot n

tear (in your eyes) n

teaspoon n

text v

toilet paper n

toothache n

toothbrush n

toothpaste n

traffic jam n

traffic warden n

trapped adj

trendy adj

unconventional adj

unlikely adj

videotape n

vote v, n

waiting room n

wallpaper n

water n, v

worldwide adv

worth adj (it’s ~)

wrapping paper n

writing paper n

Unit 11


abbreviation n

absent-mindedness n

aggressive adj

anyway conj

appear v

appointment n

backing vocalist n

beard n

bite, bit, bitten v

(~ nails)

blame v

bring up (a child) v

campsite n

caring adj

cartoonist n

catastrophe n

(climatic ~)

check in v

chew v

childbearing n

childbirth n (in ~)

civilization n

climb v

construction n (~ work)

contract n (sign a ~)

cope v

couch potato n

crate n

creature n

cross off (from a list) v

currently adv

deduce v

define v

deli (= delicatessen) informal n

dental floss n

desk n

dinosaur n

discover v

drop (~ sb a line) v

drummer n

emotion n

(a primary ~)

employer n

energy n

equivalent adj

eruption n

feelings pl n

forgetful adj

forgetfulness n

gadget n

go back v (roots that ~)

grab v (~ a sandwich)

gum n

halfway adj (~ through a sentence)

hammer n

handheld computer n

H-bomb n

hiccup n

historically adv

in fact adv

insane adj

instinctive adj

kick v

ladder n

landscape n

life expectancy n

lifestyle n

litter n

man-made adj

meat packer n

nail n

natural disaster n

naturally adv

neglect v

nevertheless adv

observe v

orbit v, n

outlive v

owner n

personal trainer n

philosopher n

police officer n

population n

poster n

primary adj

prove v

purse n

pyramid n

rainforest n

range n

risky adj

row n

shut down v

slipper n

smart (= well-

dressed) adj

stare v

stone n

stressed adj

suggest v

symbol n

think v

transportation n

unfortunately adv

volcanic adj

whistle n

wipe out (= destroy) v

Unit 12


add v

admit v

argue v

ask v

baby-sit v

birth n

blow n

bow n

bury v

byway n

captain n

charter v

coffin n

commemorate (sth) v

cot n

cotton n

course n

crew n

crowded adj

dismantle v

dotted line n

doubt n

dove n

drum n

feature v

funeral n

get engaged v

groom n

hearing aid n

helicopter n

hell n

highway n

invite v

judge n

juicy adj

kneel v

liar n

lifeboat n

lifeboatman n

mainland n

manage to do (sth) v

marriage guidance counsellor n

midwife n

miss v

moan v

mourner n

muffled adj

nappy n

naught n

noon n

offer v

overhead adv

pregnant adj

prison n

proposal n

reception n

regret n, v

remind v

rose-coloured adj

say v

scarf n

scribble v

selfish adj

spit, spat, spat v

statement n

subside v

sweep up, swept,

swept v

take (sth) back

(= return) v

tell v

throw, threw, thrown v

translate v

volunteer n

wake, woke, woken v

warning n

wedding n

widow n

wreath n


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3/23/2011 10:17:49 AM